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Fullrmc, a rigid body reverse monte carlo modeling package enabled with machine learning and artificial intelligence; B Aoun - Journal of computational chemistry, 2016
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Stochastic atomic modeling and optimization with fullrmc; B Aoun - Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2022
Chen, Zixuan, Nora K. Zimmerli, Muhammad Zubair, Alexander V. Yakimov, Snædís Björgvinsdóttir, Nicholas Alaniva, Elena Willinger et al. "Nature of GaO x Shells Grown on Silica by Atomic Layer Deposition." Chemistry of Materials 35, no. 18 (2023): 7475-7490.
Subhash, Bijil, Raymond R. Unocic, William Hadinata Lie, Leighanne C. Gallington, Joshua Wright, Soshan Cheong, Richard D. Tilley, and Nicholas M. Bedford. "Resolving Atomic-Scale Structure and Chemical Coordination in High-Entropy Alloy Electrocatalysts for Structure–Function Relationship Elucidation." ACS nano 17, no. 22 (2023): 22299-22312.
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Hackbarth, Haira G., Thomas S. Key, Brandon J. Ackley, George Opletal, Aditya Rawal, Leighanne Gallington, Yuwei Yang et al. "Uncovering atomic-scale polymer-to-ceramic transformations in SiC polymer derived ceramics from polycarbosilanes." Journal of the European Ceramic Society 44, no. 4 (2024): 1932-1945.
Zubair, Muhammad, Pavel M. Usov, Hiroyoshi Ohtsu, Jodie A. Yuwono, Carter S. Gerke, Gregory DY Foley, Haira Hackbarth et al. "Vacancy Mediated Electrooxidation of 5‐Hydroxymethyl Furfuryl Using Defect Engineered Layered Double Hydroxide Electrocatalysts." Advanced Energy Materials (2024): 2400676.
Wei, Xuerui, Zhichao Lu, Yibo Zhang, Jie Dong, Yan Huang, Haibo Ke, Fanqiang Meng, Jinkui Zhao, Baoshuang Shang, and Dong Ma. "Enhancing the reliability of Reverse Monte Carlo simulations of metallic glass structure by imposing strict constraints from partial pair correlation functions." Computational Materials Science 244 (2024): 113169.
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